Singing Together

Adult Music Camp 2024

July 28 – July 31

Singing Together!

Come sing with Evemarie Brunelle! We will warm up our voices, move our bodies and breathe together. We will explore sound, rhythm and listening, in unison and in harmony, learning songs from diverse cultures. Singers of all levels and abilities are welcome. No experience necessary, whether you are familiar to singing, you just love singing or you are new to singing.

About Evemarie

Evemarie is a singer, choir leader, and performer, living in Montréal. She grew up in a musical family. At the age of 7, she sang beside her mother in a church choir conducted by her father.  She is known for her dynamic song leading, the quality of her presence, clarity of her instruction and her magnificent voice. Her teachings have been described as “An iron hand in a velvet glove.”

In 2009, she graduated from the Community Choir Leadership Training in Victoria B.C., where she remains a member of the Ubuntu choir network. In September 2009, she founded Allez Chante!, non-auditioned choirs in Montréal. This is her 15th year leading groups!

Evemarie studied vocal improvisation with Rhiannon for 18 years. She has studied with Frankie Armstrong, Jill Purce, Raoûl Duguay, Réjean Marois, and currently studies voice and Feldenkrais movement with Robert Poliquin.

Photograph courtesy of

Evemarie started going to Blue Skies in the 1990’s, and has been at least a dozen times. She co-led the Blue Skies Music Festival Choir in 2017 and has also led workshops in previous years.

Evemarie values human relationship, being present, and staying in touch with one’s self and others in life’s situations. She is a passionate cook, a life-long nature lover, and she cherishes her solitude to nourish creativity.


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